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Footfalls Oct/Nov 2006
The Lewis EltonGallery, University of Surrey,Guildford
Click on images for enlargemts
Edges of Space March 2006
Art Exhibition Link.com at Fenestra Art Space Chicago
Bean Geese:
28” x 28” metallic paint on linen
Chesea Arts Club May 2006
28” x 28” metallic paint on linen

28” x 28” metallic paint on canvas
About my paintings:

I have lived and travelled in China and India and am interested in Eastern art and cultures. In 2004 I came across a reference to triangles in a book on Islamic art. Amongst other meanings, a triangle is seen to give geometric expression to two entities and their reconciling relationship. This tied in so well with my idea of the many relating principles that underpin the rhythms of the world that I began making paintings patterned and peopled by triangles. These paintings are almost meditative.


28” x 28” metallic paint on canvas



Footfalls Oct/Nov 2006
The Lewis EltonGallery, University of Surrey,Guildford
Edges of Space March 2006
Art Exhibition Link.com at Fenestra Art Space Chicago
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